Over 6,000 Presbyterians have gathered in Pittsburgh for the 220th Genaral Assembly. I think the town I grew up in had only 2,900 residents -- and that was before they closed the town's textile mill in the 1980s.
Arriving at the airport in Pittsburgh, I ran into 27 old friends from around the country. One was a pastor from Nebraska - we had been students in seminary together and I hadn't seen Charles since 1980. Another was a pastor from Peace River Presbytery -- I see Kathleen every month when she and I attend the stated meetings of the Committee on Ministry.
There is a bit of a "family reunion" feel to the General Assembly -- which is not far off the mark. There are close relatives you see frequently and those you haven't seen in years. There are even those cousins you've never met -- and if you've ever been to one of those large family gatherings you've heard descriptions like, "That lady over there is your cousin Joe's widow's son's daughter in law."
The connections sometimes seem stretched, but the connection in a word is FAMILY. You go to these reunions because you are a Smith, or a Jones, or a Pittendreigh.
For the 6,000 people gathering here the connections sometimes seem stretched, but our family unity is found in a single word - CHRIST. We come to these General Assemblies because we are one of the 2 million members of the Presbyterian family.
Once the meeting begins on Saturday, these Presbyterians will discuss issues that will prompt robust conversations. As you read about some of these debates, you may wonder someone in your Presbyterian family could take such a position so different from your position. But don't be troubled by these differences or the intensity of the debates. Remember that we are a family bound together by a love of Christ and by the often difficult of seeking and doing God's will.
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